VMI for Commercial Fleet Van Upfitters

The Challenge

We partnered with a leading builder of commercial fleet van upfitters to improve their current fastener vendor managed inventory flow provided by a national account supplier.

Customer VMI Pitfalls

  • Inventory regularly over shipped regardless of min/max levels 
  • Expedited product requirement turnaround challenges resulting in frequent downtime 
  • Out-of-state individual representation which limited on-site visits and up-close monitoring 
  • Cost Saving Programs not launched forward 

WFS Solution

We designed a customized Vendor Managed Inventory Solution for the customer following personal attention of specific needs.  After analyzing their current scenario, we proposed some of the below mentioned strategies: 

  • Collaboration with Plant Management and Floor Production Staff to promote transparency and full partnership environment 
  • Just in time inventory guaranteed by local stocking at our WFS facility in order to support production demand 
  • All customer part numbers were able to be cross-referenced on all labels to ensure the correct material would be placed on the production line

Product substitutions and other cost saving alternatives contributed to an estimated 30% reduction of overall consumable expenses after implementation.